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Friday, November 20, 2009

रुपयों की कीमत...

बस सात दिन बचे हैं
जब तक पहुंचुँगा बचेंगे पाँच
पापा-अम्मा कहते हैं
नेवता करनें आ रहे हो क्या?
अब मैं क्या कहुँ 
रुपये-जो कमा रहा हुँ
अपनों से दूर रहकर
उन रुपयों की कीमत
चुका रहा हुँ
27 नवम्बर को बहन कंचन की शादी है सो कल सुबह गाँव जा रहा हुँ। इश्वर से यही प्रार्थना है कि सब ठीक से निपट जाए और बहन अपनें नए घर में सबका मन जीत एक सफल एवं सुखी दाम्पत्य जीवन जीए

An Internet conference on Russian language

The first international internet conference : "Russian language@literature@culture: Actual problems of studying and teaching in Russia and abroad"  is going to start from 23rd of November. Any one who is interested in Russian language, whether teacher, research scholar, student or free lancers can participate in this coference online. Today is the last day to apply for participation. Even if we don't want to participate we can watch the proceedings online which I think is a great chance for us as a student of Russian language to have a better undersanding of our dearest of dear  "Русский язык".

रुस में भारत का वर्ष...

बीते 18-19 तारीख को रुस की राजधानी मास्को में दो दिवसीय फोरम "भारत-रुस सामाजिक डाइलॉग" संपन्न हुआ। फोरम में शिरकत करनें वाले लोगों की सूची में रुसी भाषा के भारतीय अध्यापकों के नाम देखकर अपार हर्ष हुआ। भारत में रुसी भाषा का अध्ययन कर रहे विद्यार्थियों के लिये ये सारी गतिविधियां निश्चय ही आशा की नई किरण के समान हैं। हर पल अनिश्चित भविष्य के साये में रुसी भाषा की पढ़ाई कर रहे भारतीय विद्यार्थियों को इन गतिविधियों के रुप में कुछ तो राहत मिलेगी। उन्हें एक नया कारण मिलेगा जो उन्हें एक बेहतर रुसी विशेषज्ञ  बनने के लिये प्रोत्साहित करेगा

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finally it is over...

I conducted final exams for both of the courses on 16th Nov 2009 which I am teaching in EFL-University . It was really hectic. I started at 9 in the morning and was only been able to finish it by 9 in the evening. The fact that it was my first ever experience of conducting any exam on my own was enough to made the process unorganized.  
If it has not been my dear senior colleagues my decision to conduct all the exams in a single day would have been backfired.
I am really thankful to Totawar sir, Dimri sir and Mr Prasad who helped me at some point or the other during the whole process. Then thanks to my dear students who too were always ready to cooperate with me whether it was about taking extra classes or about conducting exams before normal schedules. All COP students who appeared for exam performed well as per their knowledge level. Optional Russian students failed to perform well except a few. All those who didn't performed well are the same who were irregular in classes and who never took the course seriously. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It is a humble request for all COP students to not miss any class till end semester exams. Especially those who had not been able to attend classes regularly. We are extensively revising each and every topic once again and solving model test papers based on key concepts of grammar.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


We had our first COP in Russian class on August 3, 2009. 23 students enrolled for this course. Out of them a few never attended the class, a few left the course in between. Among them one whom I must mention is Ashwin. His four line notebook is still lying on my table after correction. Then it was Mr. Bhanu Murthi. I remember that once he met me in sagar's canteen and offered me cold drink. Nice person but too busy to learn a foreign language. Sharath one of the best students a quick learner with sharp mind left the course for unknown reason. Then it was Abdul Khalid. Nice student but crude by nature. Whenever I scolded him for not performing well in class he took it personally, some times he retaliated but finally became clam. I thought now he will start learning. I was wrong, he left the course. Sudhanshu left it all of a sudden I still hope that Vinod will appear for final exam. Swaran and Zakariya with never-say-die attitude are trying hard to catch the train. Khan brothers are confident of performing well. Rasheed is not putting that much effort. Aziz is trying hard but he is not focussed.Ramesh is not serious.Now I must mention those names who are lifeline of this course. Vasudha the youngest in our class a teenage girl and Abinaya are the best students of class. Jayashree and Radhika are giving them a tough competition. It is sad that Satish fell ill in between but he is back with a bang. Whereas Narsimlu is completely dedicated. One example is enough to proove that...he drived 70 kms to and fro to appear for the 3rd test and was the best performer in 3rd test. He recited Pushkin's poem "I loved you" magnificently. 
    Soon this semester will end. End semester exams are on the threshold. Hope will go back home in winter vacations with a nice teaching experience.

आपसे मिल न सका....

बहुत इंतजार किया सुबह से शाम और फिर देर रात तक कि शायद अब मिल पाउं पर आपसे मिल न सका। हमारे और आपके बीच वो निर्दयी बाड़ आ गया, वो भी लोहे का कंटीला बाड़। उसके पार मैं भला कैसे जा पाता। मैं जहां जहां गया वो हर बार मेरे आगे ही आकर खड़ा हो गया और आपसे मिलनें न दिया। जरुर कोई वज़ह होगी जो मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा, कोई मजबूरी होगी जिससे मैं अन्जान हुँ वर्ना न आप इतनें कठोर न प्रकृति इतनी नि्र्दयी।  

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

वरयाम सिंह सर...

रुसी काव्य का हिन्दी अनुवाद और वरयाम सिंह दोनों एक दुसरे के पर्याय बन चुके हैं।
आप जवाहरलाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालय में रुसी साहित्य के प्रोफेसर हैं

Monday, November 2, 2009

I loved you...

I loved you, perhaps that love has yet
To die down thoroughly within my soul;
But let it not dismay you any longer;
I have no wish to cause you any sorrow.
I loved you wordlessly without a hope,
By shyness tortured or by jealousy.
I loved you with such tenderness and candor
And pray God grants you to be loved that way again.*

One can listen this poem and many more poems of Pushkin and other Russian poets in original on following web address: *